Monday, February 16, 2009

USA will turn into FUSA ("F" is for "Former")...

so is this dream state really gonna last -

points stated are fair and simple. The repercussions are baneful. Simile picked is very recent. But i still feel there is a difference... a democracy will survive the ill effects of its leaders' hubris which soviet union succumbed to...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another great initiative rolling on...

... you wouldn't believe the words of the gentleman who has started this. Mc'Donalds got him thinking - "why not us?"

"See McDonalds concept is simple, they feel they can train people irrespective of different religions, cultures, all those things to produce a product in the same way and deliver it in the same manner in hundreds of places" 
if things have to be driven at macro level u have to think of strategies at the same level.
Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy

check out, some facts from the video below...
1)12 Million blinds in India - Aravind Hospitals treat close to 2 million of them every year...
2)National Eye care surgery avg. 250 - Aravind Hospitals docs avg is 2000 surgery...
3)A cost of Intracular Lens (a substitute to Cataract lens) brought down from $200 to $5...

The video -

I hit upon this in following link - ""