Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Me

The conversation was a welcome fresh air of thoughts. There had seem to been dearth of such thoughts for sometime in me.

Point in matter is the conversation I had. So how do I think of an ant colony? Ants moving around the colony - building, feeding, protecting, mating and dying. Adding to it, I would also see an amazing work of collective beings. An ecosystem, when watched from top, is one single amazing being. With same perspective, looking from above, how should I see our human ecosystem. A brilliance of every single living or collective ability of sustenance?

Is it about, looking at every single individual as the highest embodiment of mind and matter. And then performing the causal analysis. Causal analysis of that single individual's ability to perform an action, or say, no action. Objectively thus deducing every event/intent in society. Not very far away from science of deduction, manifested by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Also, not very far from objectivism romanticized as the sole human might, by Ayn Rand.

I, however, seem to look at it non-objectively. May be because of shear magnitude of the cause-event analysis the idea of objectivism entails. And so like me many romantics.. dreamers.. (of not the sort of Rand or was she??) were born. Romanticizing the intent and effect. Not always worrying about internals...

Procrastinate the future and present will be past..

There is a constant debate on policy vs. innovation. Where will this technology lead us without a policy in place?

From stem cells research to AI to Mars colonization to Big Data - all are under scanner on are we ready? Are we prepared? This is Future.

From wars to famine to terrorism to poverty - all over us? This is Present

From policies to governance to institutions - all around us? They are Past.  

A language lost is a story lost.